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About Us
Han lab studies intracellular signaling roles of amino acids. Amino acids not only serve as substrates for translation but also are signaling nutrients controlling protein metabolism and other cellular physiologies. Dr. Han seeks to understand how amino acid signaling is established and how this signaling system is related with human diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disease.
2024.02. 김나윤 석사학위 취득
2023.06. 기초연구실지원사업 선정
2022.08. 박승준 박사학위 취득
2022.02. 김기범 박사학위 취득
2021.03. 유희찬 박사 세종과학펠로우십 사업 선정
2020.10. 유희찬 박사 Young Research Scientist Award 수상
2020.09. 중견연구자지원사업 선정
2020.09. 유희찬 박사 SHIMAZU Next Generation Award 수상
2020.07. 혁신신약원천기술개발사업 선정
2020.06. 유희찬 박사 창의도전지원 과제 선정
2020.02. 유희찬 박사학위 취득
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